Last month we stood together deeply rooted in appreciation and unlocked gratitude. That might have shown up in many unique ways for each of us. Perhaps little realizations in the present moment that shined light to things we might have taken for granted. Maybe it was transforming resentment or anger that was heavy on our hearts, and yet with a shift in perception allowed us to gain clarity to appreciate some positive purpose that experience might have served.
For Truth, we have witnessed how powerful gratitude truly is as we felt completely uplifted by our community as we together pushed through our circumstance of our home being transformed to ash and Earth.
As we now enter into the month of December rooted in appreciation, let us now take a step farther with finding joy through resilience. It is safe to trust the journey. It is safe to ride in the flow of uncertainty and to not have it all figured out. It is safe to embrace the detours. Faith in the process can free your perception of a circumstance and bring peace to your mind, body, and spirit.
Our dear Truth Community, we are so very thankful for you standing by our side during this transformational time. The gratitude you had unlocked for us gave us strength to trust in the process and fueled our resilience.
Within just seven days, we had found a new home to relocate to while we rebuild. We are working hard to have our spa fully operational this month which will bring us absolute joy to continue our work of offering a safe space for self-care with organic products and holistic wellness! We could not have done this without the genuinely caring people that shared their love and support recently – we will forever be so grateful.
We invite you to shop locally for your holiday gifts and support small businesses like us! Truth is stocked again with your favorite organic products, and our yoga classes, ESSENTRICS classes and workshops have resumed at the Grafton Inn (25 Grafton Common).
Come see our new space and find the perfect gift at Truth’s new location: 74 N. Main Street, North Grafton, Massachusetts that is open 7 days a week. See you soon!
- Julie and Truth Team