Here at Truth we are excited to continue the magic of winter while we slow down after the holiday season. Creating peace with stillness. Now hear us out... stillness might seem impossible when our days and world around us is always moving with the abundance of life. Yet, it is so very important for us to remember concepts like...
"What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create." - Buddha
Our Truth team invites you to now indulge in stillness to gain clarity of what you wish to manifest or create in 2023. Whether that be allowing your thoughts to flow and release during the quietness and tranquility of a facial or massage, or while gaining clarity of what is holding you back from reaching your desires with our Mindfulness-Based Mental Health Coach, Elissa Burdick.
When you slow down and drop the baggage you are carrying that isn't yours - you become more true to yourself. You also become more aligned with your life's purpose. Stillness guides you in that direction…and that stillness is peace. Holding that space for you to discover your peace is what we do here at Truth.
We welcome all to our Open House this Sunday, January 8th to learn about all of our offerings and to come see the new space. There will be an opportunity to win prizes that include our favorite products, Oxygen Facial, or a One-Hour Massage - see you there!
- Julie and the Truth Team